Feel the freedom of action without ads

CleanBlocker stops tracking on websites and blocks all types of ads

Feel the freedom
Absolutely Free

Absolutely free

No subscriptions. Just enjoy using the free extension

Protect Privacy

Protect privacy

Don’t let companies follow you around the internet

Save Time

Save your time

Block pop-ups and video ads so you only see what really matters


Enjoy ad-free browsing and private browsing

Clean Blocker for Firefox is an ad blocking browser extension, which means it removes ads from Firefox and provides protection from third-party trackers.

Clean Blocker for Google Chrome is an ad blocking browser extension, which means it removes ads from Google Chrome and provides protection from third-party trackers.

Clean Blocker for Microsoft Edge is an ad blocking browser extension, which means it removes ads from Microsoft Edge and provides protection from third-party trackers.

Clean Blocker for Safari is an ad blocking browser extension, which means it removes ads from Safari and provides protection from third-party trackers.

Clean Blocker is used by many folks across the globe to block Firefox ads, improve page load speed, and help protect their privacy. That's because Clean Blocker for Firefox is simple to use, completely customizable, and provides a dramatic improvement to your online experience.

Clean Blocker is used by many folks across the globe to block Chrome ads, improve page load speed, and help protect their privacy. That's because Clean Blocker for Google Chrome is simple to use, completely customizable, and provides a dramatic improvement to your online experience.

Clean Blocker is used by many folks across the globe to block Microsoft Edge ads, improve page load speed, and help protect their privacy. That's because Clean Blocker for Microsoft Edge is simple to use, completely customizable, and provides a dramatic improvement to your online experience.

Clean Blocker is used by many folks across the globe to block Safari ads, improve page load speed, and help protect their privacy. That's because Clean Blocker for Safari is simple to use, completely customizable, and provides a dramatic improvement to your online experience.

Built-in privacy

Clean Blocker checks all the right boxes when it comes to your privacy. As you browse, Clean Blocker privacy tools work to keep your identity safe by

Blocking trackers and tracking-cookies

Stripping the URLs of tracking parameters

Proxying advertising requests so advertisers can’t see your location

Sending the right privacy signals (Don’t track and Global Privacy Control)

Feel the freedom of action with Clean Blocker

Install the extension in your browser and use it absolutely free